A Guide to the Use of Technology in Learning Better

A Guide to the Use of Technology in Learning Better
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Ever since the onset of the pandemic, schools, colleges and universities have shut down globally and have resorted to an online mode of learning. However, as educational institutions slowly start to open, technology has been ingrained into the very roots of imparting effective education for all.

Although technology in education was present before the pandemic in the form of distance learning and tech-infused classes, it is more effective in certain circumstances in making learning more engaging and interactive for students.

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Read on to learn more as we dwell further into how technology can be used effectively in education and learning.

Technology in education – a brief overview

Technology has disrupted almost all the sectors of our economy and has changed the way we communicate, work, play, and access information. Plagiarism Checker – However, before the Covid-19 crisis, the use of technology in learning was limited and used to replace certain analogue tools used previously in teaching.

However, after the pandemic, it was clear that although educational institutions cannot always provide in-person education, it was necessary to invest in technology to ensure uninterrupted education. When technology is integrated into our existing teaching curriculum, in contrast to using it only in crisis situations, teachers and educators can harness the power of technology and use it as a powerful learning tool.

So, how exactly can technology make education more effective and engaging for all? Let’s find out below.

The Uses of Technology in Education

With the rise of education technology, several educational institutions are imparting education blended with traditional and tech-infused forms of learning. Below, let’s look at how technology can be effectively used in education.

  1. Elimination of physical barriers

Technology can remove the physical barriers of a classroom and give students a chance to explore real-world scenario. For example, a history professor can take students on a virtual tour of the medieval battlegrounds, or even walk them through the corridors of the White House. Take my online class for me – This helps students connect with the real world and provides better learning experiences.

In addition, students can remember better what they study when they actually get to have a look and feel of the actual world around them.

  1. Preparing students for a modern workforce

The 21st-century workplace requires students to know different software technological tools like web pages, electronic calendars, whiteboards, teleconferencing mediums, etc. In addition, guest posting sites students can also use different online tools like a citation machine or even a word counter to help them write better assignments.

When these technologies are integrated into students’ academic curriculum, they can better prepare themselves for a modern workplace, where knowledge and understanding of different tech tools can come in useful and even help them land successful jobs later on in their professional lives.

  1. Better collaboration

Different types of educational tools offer a plethora of functionalities that can help students collaborate effectively with one another. Collaboration is the key to performing efficiently in the modern workplace, and tech-infused learning trains students to collaborate using different software like Skype, Microsoft Teams, and even Google Drive.

Students can learn how to hold virtual meetings with their classmates, edit and share their projects online, and review learning materials from different teachers.

  1. Adaptive learning styles

Not every student can learn and study the same way as others. This is where technology can step in and make learning adaptive for all. Paper rater – Teachers and educators can also address diversity in learning and create personalised learning modules for individual students.

Technology can also help teachers understand what learning styles can work best with their students through real-time responses and feedback. Educators can also engage and connect with students to know about their issues and prepare more effective learning modules.

  1. Easy access to information

Technology in learning has made it easier for students to access information more accurately and quickly. E-books and online search engines are fast replacing traditional textbooks and study materials.

Students can access online libraries, academic journals and scholarly publications easily with a mouse button. Moreover, instead of opting for personal tutoring, students can access educational videos and online open courses anywhere, at any time of the day.

  1. Teaching online responsibility

Although most students these days are social media users and digital citizens, technology in learning can help students learn how to be more responsible in the online world. Online classrooms can be a microcosm of digital platforms and landscapes where they can learn how to search, engage and communicate with other digital users.

Thus, students tend to grow up to be responsible social media users who respect online privacy and are wary of each other’s online personal limits and spaces.

  1. Making learning more fun

One of the best uses of technology in learning is that it makes learning more fun, engaging and interactive. Different types of tech-infused learning like game-based modes of education can help students understand and perform better.

This can remove the stigma associated with education and make it more fun for students. One 2021 study even found that game-based learning can help students be more receptive in classrooms, increase their concentration spans and make them more enthusiastic learners.

  1. Collaborative learning regardless of location

The best use of technology in learning is that it makes education convenient for all. Students can attend classes regardless of their physical location and no longer need to depend on favourable weather circumstances to attend schools. In addition, students can now attend classes from any part of the world and use various ed-tech tools to interact with teachers and students and assess their learning outcomes.

Thus, in a nutshell, technology in learning has the following advantages for students:

  • Empowers both students and educators to personalise learning and access data from clouds
  • Prepares students for a modern workplace with technology competencies and skills
  • Helps teachers create blended learning that can make education more effective
  • Helps educators get access to real-time feedback through summative data and formatives

Final thoughts

Although there can be dramatic variations in abilities and resources from school to school, integrating different tech tools in education is attainable in certain ways that can influence learning and effective engagement for all students.

Author Bio: Alley John is a teacher at the University of Perth. He is also a part of MyAssignmenthelp.com and likes to support students to perform well in academics. John’s hobbies include playing basketball and painting.

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